Creativity, Photography The Chakkar Creativity, Photography The Chakkar

The Drift

In the late 2000s, Karan Madhok left home to travel alone around India, living off a backpack, sleeping in trains, searching for more of his country, and finding more parts of himself. In a photo-essay, he recalls why this ‘bharat darshan’ was the best experience of his life.

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Photography The Chakkar Photography The Chakkar

Winter in the Old City

Winter comes in Delhi and the city’s tone changes. The mood is usually sombre, the sky is grey, shrouded under fog. From the ongoing tradition of Kabootar Bazi (pigeon racing) to the calm of Yamuna Ghat, Siddharth Jain photographs Old Delhi in the coldest months

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Misc. The Chakkar Misc. The Chakkar

The Uncredited Authors of India’s Growth Story

90% of India’s workforce remains informal and unaccounted for. Until more of our small businesses and employment contracts are formalised, this vast majority will not have access to the rights and protections that should be afforded to all citizens. By Shefali Saldanha.

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Film/TV The Chakkar Film/TV The Chakkar

Indian Tiger, Foreign Gaze

The White Tiger (2021) is a dark and explosive rags-to-riches Indian story, cooked to be palatable to Western tastes. The adaptation of Aravind Adiga’s novel sticks too close to its source, losing on screen what was gained in text. By Karan Madhok

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