Shubha Sarma is an alumnus of Lady Shri Ram College and Jawaharlal Nehru University and a member of the Indian Administrative Service. She currently lives in Bhubaneswar with her husband, two sons and four dogs. Her debut book, Fly on the Wall & Other Stories was launched in 2013 and was translated into Hindi and Italian. The Awasthis of Aamnagri is her second novel. You can find her on Twitter: @Shubha_Sarma and Instagram: @penofshubha.
‘Or perhaps, Pandit Dinanath Awasthi was exhausted. Tired of a large, brabbling family in a small, rented house, he was convinced that it was time to create memories in a home of his own.’ An excerpt from Shubha Sarma’s novel, The Awasthis of Aamnagri (2020).