Saba Karim Khan is an author, award-winning documentary filmmaker and educator. Her debut novel, Skyfall, was published by Bloomsbury and she is a contributor to the recently launched anthology, Ways of Being: Creative Non-fiction by Pakistani Women. She is a columnist for Khaleej Times and her writing, interviews and talks have appeared in The Guardian, BBC, The Independent, the Emirates Literature Festival, Lahore Literary Festival, NYUAD Institute, Gulf News, The National, Wasafiri, Huff Post, Verso, LUMS, and more. You can find her on Twitter: @SabaKarim and Instagram: @saba.karim.khan.
Arundhati Roy’s storytelling illuminates the desires to split open the human grids that characterize our world, and fulfil her yearning for a particular kind of homeland: a gentler, stiller, less hypocritical, and less transactional place. By Saba Karim Khan