Photo: Dhanush Satyan on Unplash
‘Its beetroot tongue, interchange / Houses. Maps. Routes. Hormones. / There's a climate building in the chest’
A Wasp –
Stuck on a sunflower
The ivory of daylight—a riddle
Warming the bony limbs of trees,
A spoon full of colours scream
on their fire bent backs
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz –
Vending a war through the antenna,
A lime green electrode measures
The head bury over the prey
Chewing cloud in its mouth
A conjunction in the territory of wings
Squirming the artery vacant
Drawing the orbit across its atlas,
The stethoscope arms and migrant feet –
In Dust, breeze, and mud
Darting across a lilliputian colony.
Its beetroot tongue, interchange –
Houses. Maps. Routes. Hormones.
There's a climate building in the chest,
Images over images stir the protagonist iris
Carrying the fire of its pride.
The millennial ants dissent with their neighbours
The month's ration has not last long,
In their nest hang the clothes wet from the last rain,
A faint distant odour shifts the paradigm
The mint of sky borrowing a blue dot,
coughs over the petticoat.
The swollen face breeze,
a hostage over the parting of hair
Knows the wasp shall find its home.
Ronald Tuhin D'Rozario studied at the St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. His articles, book reviews, essays, poems and short stories have been published in many national and international online journals and in print, including Cafe Dissensus Everyday, Narrow Road Literary Journal, Kitaab, The Pangolin Review, The Alipore Post, Alien Buddha Press and 'Zine, Grey Sparrow Press and many more. He writes from Kolkata, India. You can find him on Instagram: @ronaldtuhindrozario and Twitter: @RTDRozario.