Hearts Marinated in Lies: Two Poems by Vrinda Bansal

Photo: Karan Madhok

Poetry: ‘I am rage and blasphemy, God in a dungeon, / a domesticated wolf, the brain of a terrorist party / I am your grandmother’s birthday party and a child’s funeral, / a barrel of kerosene’

- Vrinda Bansal

Gaze of the Gloom


It’s the gloom of the gaze, of homogeneity of human chunk

nauseating similarity dangling like a pendulum

same bodies with similar curves at similar angles

all greys with hints of blues,

all palms a little pale,

same interests and similar disgust,

unoriginal ideas floating in the lake of the dead

crooked feet and beautiful eyes,

all hearts marinated in lies

but all lies helpless and preventive

and all hands, careful; all kisses, brave

what I gift to you is not mine,

what you do not share, not yours

it’s the gloom of the gaze,

we split it in half, and it feeds on us




Whispers to Self


on my toes again, my guards pulled up

a cheating husband, a million diseases

I am creeper on a glass window.

not the amiable kind,

I am rage and blasphemy, God in a dungeon,

a domesticated wolf, the brain of a terrorist party

I am your grandmother’s birthday party and a child’s funeral,

a barrel of kerosene, I am the center of gravity of a gigantic iceberg

I am the tear after a triumph, carnival after a successful revenge

I am a needle of a scale, an unreachable itch at your back

I am the branch of a plagued tree, a sewer looking for sea.



Vrinda Bansal is a literature postgraduate based in Delhi. You can find her on Instagram: @ovrinda.


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