This Is Goa
All Photos: Angad Bir Singh Sodhi
For a fund-raising project, photographer Angad Bir Singh Sodhi tells an internal story through lush external colours of Goa in the monsoon season
There comes a time in many a creative person’s life when the very act of creating something becomes the hardest thing they can think of doing. A time when every idea starts to feel jaded and inspiration begins to run dry.
Having spent the past decade or so creating art, photographs and content as a creative mind for hire, I found myself in this place where I had got so used to creating from the perspective of others that I no longer seemed to have a perspective of my own. And if I did, I definitely couldn’t seem to reach the dark corner of my mind where it resided.
So, I decided to do something that so many of us keep threatening to do: I moved to Goa to find myself. There is a much longer conversation that I will be having with the readers of this publication in a separate article to be published in the future. One in which I will share my adventures on my quest for finding my inner voice as an an artist and as a person. But, at this point, I just want to share with you the first step I took upon arriving in Goa. I decided that since I couldn’t find inspiration internally, I would set out with my camera every day and look to create just one photograph that made me happy. And that I would talk to anyone who cared to engage in conversation, about this journey I was on and to see if they had any suggestions to help me find my creative mojo.
The pictures you see here were a result of this daily photography exercise, while the conversations took me down an amazing path that recently culminated in what I hope will be the first of many editions of ’Shh! It’s Taboo! (Lets Talk About it Anyway)’, a series of talks and workshops aimed at sparking conversations about mental health and wellness in an attempt to remove the shame and stigma attached to something almost everybody in the world deals with in some shape or form.
The photographs shared here are all available as limited edition fine art prints for sale. The proceeds will go to furthering the cause of mental wellness and to increase awareness about mental health.
Angad B Sodhi is a Goa based photographer and visual artist who is actively working toward raising awareness about mental health and wellness through art and conversation. You can check out his work at or follow him on instagram at: @angadbsodhi