Holding Hands with the Stars: Five Poems by Sayan Aich Bhowmik

Photo: Karan Madhok

‘I have been told the entire cosmos of our being / Hair, skin, Tissues / Renew themselves. / The old ones dissolving in air, without pain / Much like ice melting on the kitchen shelf.’

- Sayan Aich Bhowmik

Holding Hands with the Stars


In the fifth standard,

Our science teacher

Made to us the revelation

That light from a star takes a few thousand years

To reach the earth.

I sat on that apparently useless piece of information for a week

While the world

And everyone spinning with it

Went on about the sublime and the ludicrous.

When older, I travelled to Banaras

A city older than the oldest in the sky

And on a night so quiet

That even the flowing river,

Was conscious so as

Not to make much noise.

A faint murmur of a song

Crept in through my window

Like the smell of the always

More delicious food from my neighbour’s kitchen.

Next morning, on being asked,

The receptionist sheepishly informed that the song

Was by a now missing courtesan

Who was last seen on the ghats

When the ghats were still young.

Only her music room world remains

Holding hands with the stars. 





Raangta can now recite rhymes

In her perfectly gibberish English.

The stars twinkle brighter in her voice

When she lisps away the poems

About diamonds and wonder.

I am worried about her diction and enunciation.

The stars I feel melt into the sky and the world

The way she reads them

Within the space of those four lines.

Yet, that lilting melody stays in the room

Like clothes on a terrace

Hung out to dry.

A soft sunshine fills the apartment

When she steps in

A softer monsoon waits at the door

When she steps out.



The entire apartment is an auction house

Creepers on steroids from inside the table calendars

Find their way across the two bedrooms.

On moving on from people, jobs, and previous addresses

I have been told the entire cosmos of our being

Hair, skin, Tissues

Renew themselves.

The old ones dissolving in air, without pain

Much like ice melting on the kitchen shelf.

In the mirror, there is someone I once knew.

On the desk, there is a letter written in a hand

Once mine.



Cat Poem


There is panic amongst the cats

In my neighbourhood.

They’ve been meowing in their

Black, white, yellow, white -black dialects

Since last night.

The local councillor has already

Brought in a cat lip reader

And he is sitting with cats of all age and sizes

Listening intently.

The man who speaks six cat languages

Has given up presumably because

The issue has reached an impasse.

I was later summoned by the residents

And informed that the cats demanded

A restraining order on my daughter.

They’ve been suspicious of her affection,

Not used to a human

Loving someone without

Expecting anything in return.



In Many Months


In the corner of the photograph,

Her two fingers are holding open a page.

Two fingers, the length of railway tracks

Sleeping across entire Africa

On a warm summer day.

Shining, glimmering, burning

Under the sun

The faces of men braver than lions

Shimmering on the steel.

It is the first time in many months

I’ve seen something so beautiful.

It is the first time in many months

I’ll be up all night.  


Sayan Aich Bhowmik is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Shirakole College. His debut collection of poems, I Will Come With A Lighthouse was published in 2021 by Hawakal Publishers. You can find him on Instagram: @shayan71284 and Twitter: @PoetaAuidum.


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