Senryu and Haiku by Nishi Pulugurtha

Photo: Karan Madhok

Photo: Karan Madhok

‘there is no joy here / only shrieks and tears of pain’.

 - Nishi Pulugurtha



removed from others

connected disconnected

we see and yet don’t



shrieking, shouting - home

Frightening scary walls close

to breathe to live - Home



there is no joy here

only shrieks and tears of pain

suffering and loss




screams shrieks cries for help

that go unnoticed unheard,

unseen - Worm eating


On the green giloy

A lizard awaiting catch

Motionless and still


Nishi Pulugurtha is an academic and writes on travel, film, short stories, poetry and on Alzheimer’s Disease. Her work has been published in The Statesman, Kolkata, Prosopisia, The Punch Magazine (forthcoming), Kitaab, Café Dissensus, Coldnoon, and more. She is the author of a monograph on Derozio (2010), guest edited the June 2018 issue of Café Dissensus and has a collection of essays on travel, Out in the Open (2019). She is now working on her first volume of poems and is editing a collection of essays on travel. You can follow her on Twitter: @nishipulu and Instagram: @nishipulu.


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