Mist Curtains

Photo: Karan Madhok

Photo: Karan Madhok

- Sarvesh Wahie

Mists congregate again, shroud the town, envelope 

A cloak unfathomable, lets walk about and through 

Stillness white maintained, grey skies above 

Breezes all set aside, thunder assumes silence  


Crows finding homes, others have disappeared already 

 Streets lined with strays, coiled and composed stare 

Humans sketch petty textures, everyday details in life 

Leaves on trees smile, as if prayers answered in skies... 


Life halts, looking up into the grey  

Recedes in unison, as if preparing floor 

Where countless ballerinas would dance 

Once the Queen has declared, open this day. 


Withdrawn bustle, nature has its own way 

Markets surge, though on a different scale 

Humans seeded in comfort of their jackets 

Murmur about, isolated in looming stillness 


Hotels and Lodges decorated, broadcast reports 

Holiday packages far and wide, sold and sold more 

Trolleys carrying mountains of countryside firewood  

Highest in demand, as the day further tranquil ages… 


Voices circle the air, ever so freezing 

“10 grands? If she falls by evening!”  

Next moves, contemplated in anticipation 

“Make sure we have enough candles.” 

“Get vegetables and milk when you come home.” 

Guys milking softy dispensers after a long dry spell 

For macho tourists would savour softy shortly.  


Needless to say, we are always preparing  

New Year’s eve or Christmas day 

Up in the hills, holidays often relate 

Our everyday share of lonesome stares…   


The town has become very cold now indeed 

Fresh fires on side walls and lots of tea 

Peanuts and sweet corns in brevity  

And the apt gloves, I check to see… 


Will she descend from those woolly clouds? 

Lying on softest beds, getting seduced  

The ground still, not cold enough for her 

 Or just angry, so many trees we fell…  


A glint of certain mockery on the horizon  

Division in brilliant shades, almost perfume 

She wouldn’t come down upon us today 

Dry, as they say, cold not enough for her… 


Money is mostly lost, hotels and betters 

Yet hopeful tourists these streets parade, 

Whiskey and Rum pours down lips intact 

Another day spent, our darling snow awaited. 


But I do remember, when she graced 

Trees, grounds, and roofs alike 

Dad would be at the general store 

And mum tending to everything else 

Skies were grey and mists all fair 

Deep silence over our town 

We played cricket 

And a cheer somewhere would surge 

Others cheer everywhere else 

Snow did come down that day 

Oh! So gently 

Small flakes to apple size 

For two whole days… 


Mist curtains were opened  

Perhaps the Queen was now ready 

Her beauty, in supreme whiteness 

Water nervous system froze 

Nothing flowed out the taps 

Cars stayed where they were 

Nothing moved, time stood still 

All of us witnessed that spectacle 

All of us rejoiced the Queen  

All of us made snowmen and women 

Ah! It did snow that day… 



Sarvesh Wahie is an artist and (re)searcher from Mussoorie. His book of poems Black Verses was independently published in 2019. You can find him on Instagram: @_immanence_ or on his website Varying Shades.


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