Amulets of Resistance: Two Poems by Kashiana Singh

Photo: Karan Madhok

‘A canopy of desert flowers for / the darkest of his nights, marvel / of bitterroot bursting forth from / dead earth’

Kashiana Singh

Scarred Silence


war echoes

another generation


red summer

olives cured in salt

of tears


amulets of resistance

decomposed bodies


blurred choroid

the opaque presence

of burial sheets


invisible moons

a stained glass suncatcher

inhabits the window


simmering aromas

how many more meals

stay unfinished



uncounted refugees

on sunken boats




How to Watch a Train, Like a 6-Month-Old


When the train zips by and releases a wail

he jumps up and down as if to say that is a

journey I want to take, find home outside

home, stay safe inside windowed walls.


Draping itself into the horizon

chuk chuk chuk it goes, disordered

order as he repeats in truant voice

chuk chuk chuk kooooooooooo, kuuuuu


I too will drape him in my final

breaths, outstretched like a roof

of possibilities, travel with him

whenever, wherever he ventures


How my chest will be shingles

spread broad and wide, to be

a hemmed clearing in the forest

verdant glow within the pupil of


Eager eyes, its aperture opening

to an oasis, thrusting alive after

ashes rise, musings of bewildered

stars, light whistling through life


A canopy of desert flowers for

the darkest of his nights, marvel

of bitterroot bursting forth from

dead earth, praise yet kept alive


train tracks

directions to assemble

a lego set


Kashiana Singh serves as a managing editor for Poets Reading the News. Her full-length collection, Woman by the Door was released in 2022 with Apprentice House Press. She lives in North Carolina and carries her various geopolitical homes within her poetry. Her newest collection Witching Hour is due to be released in 2024 with Glass Lyre Press. You can find more information on her website. She is on Twitter: @Kashianasingh and Instagram: @kashianasingh.


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