Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar


Poem by Tejaswinee Roychowdhury: ‘My roots changed course / the day I started stuffing words / back in dictionaries’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

Resident Alien

Poem by Ankit Raj Ojha: ‘North Indian colleagues treat me as equal, / yet the demeaning bhaiye surfaces often / when they speak of Biharis not me.’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

A Pair of Jhumkas

Fiction by Aarushi Agrawal: ‘She couldn’t believe this was happening to her—these conspiracies, these trending hashtags, all playing out in real life. There was no need to engage. By now, Vaani and Aaqib were walking as briskly as the woods would allow.’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

The Security Guard

Fiction by Divy Tripathi: ‘Suddenly, a new hunger arose inside. A desire for instant retribution enveloped him, a sudden need to right this particular slight. “I am not your servant,” he said. “Talk with respect.”’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

Black Plums and a Purple Heart

Personal Essay by Babli Yadav: ‘Ten minutes into our ride, we land upon this road patch with grave signs of purple. Hundreds of fallen fruits of an old jamun tree, squished, squashed, and beaten by the dance of the July winds.’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

The Queen And I—An Excerpt from YAARI

Essay by Raina Bhattacharya: ‘Rani started asking me very difficult questions—to which I had no answers. She wondered what her future would be like—she said that maybe in the future there would be projections of Replikas developed rather than them simply being an app on the phone.’

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

Leaving Bannu

Personal Essay by Karan Madhok: ‘A man dressed in black robes stood by the bed, his stern face staring down at her. Death was a millimetre away, as effortless as peeling away an onion.’

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Creativity, Photography The Chakkar Creativity, Photography The Chakkar

Bites from the Market

Photo Essay by Pranava: ‘These modern fossils speak a different language from the Market, and are an out-of-place eye sore. They only remind us that the municipal corporation has failed to consider who is really served by this supposed beautification.’

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