Literature, Music The Chakkar Literature, Music The Chakkar

The Birth of Mocaine’s New Dimensions

Delhi-based artist Mocaine’s ambitious multi-disciplinary project The Birth of Billy Munro is a dark and nihilistic narrative of music, prose, and film. While an imperfect patchwork of borrowed inspirations, the culmination is still unlike anything else in the Indian indie scene. By Karan Madhok

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

The Lade Leaves Us Longing

Reading Sumana Roy’s How I Became a Tree in the Lade Braes, Scotland. ‘The poetry of trees is, after all, about agency—the act of breaking, rending, repairing, citing through metaphor. But what agency do trees hold?’

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Misc. The Chakkar Misc. The Chakkar

What Makes a Modern Indian Minimalist?

‘The idea is not to renounce the good things in life, but to actually understand them.’ Vipin Labroo argues why India—with its vast inequality, unemployment, and environmental concerns—needs a shot of minimalism in the lifestyles of our burgeoning population.

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Literature The Chakkar Literature The Chakkar

The Framework of Dignity

‘Safety is never imagined; it has to be felt’. Ten years after its first publication, Saurabh Sharma argues why Law Like Love—a text that singularly captured the relationship between law and queerness in India from varying vantage points—remains as relevant as ever.

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Creativity The Chakkar Creativity The Chakkar

Life After Marriage

Ranjani Rao recalls the story behind her memoir, Rewriting My Happily Ever After, and how sharing a personal tale of divorce helped her find connection and community.

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