‘A Knot that Would Not Unknot’ – Two Poems by Gopi Kottoor

Photo: Karan Madhok

Poetry: ‘And then, the sip / From the spoon / That’ll soon become memory, / That slowly drawn inward kiss’

- Gopi Kottoor

How to Make Love


Just enough spices,

A few herbs,

A fragrance of leaves

That stirs up the appetite;

The freshness of things,

Washed clean,

Their colours

Luminous in the water;

A small amount of salt,

A little sugar,

It’ll bring on the taste in all its wildness,

And then the bodies,

Gently tossed over.

Over all that fire,

The steam, the language

Of bubbles that burst

Without words.

Now it’s nearing order,

As things press closer,

Tighter than thought,

Turning it all, one.

And then, the sip

From the spoon

That’ll soon become memory,

That slowly drawn inward kiss

Breathing good night.





A knot that would not  unknot

You and  me.

Now cut

Just close to where the  knot would not unknot,

goes  sinking  down to sea.

The things that lie buried there,

That make no difference

Between the living and the dead

They pale to insignificance

With the knot

Cut  so close

to where it would not 


You and me,

Sinking down,


One more jeweled thing  


Gopi Kottoor's poems have won prizes of the British Council in India. They have appeared in Acumen, Eunoia Journal, Nth Position, Orbis, The Rising Phoenix, Verse, Seattle, Indian Literature, and others. His work has been featured in anthologies including They have featured in anthologies of repute as Converse, Best Indian Poetry, The Bloodaxe Book of Indian Poetry, Both Sides of the Sky, and more.


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